
Круглосуточный травмпункт ГБУЗ ГП № 45 ДЗМ находится в головном здании поликлиники,
по адресу: 5-й Войковский проезд, д. 12..

Горячая линия ГП45

Филиал № 1

8 (919) 727-97-12

Филиал № 2

8 (926) 672-82-14

Филиал № 3

8 (926) 672-84-47

Филиал № 4

8 (916) 924-35-84

Филиал № 5

8 (926) 672-86-27

Филиал № 6

8 (916) 925-97-34

Головное здание

8 (919) 726-63-11

Вызов врача на дом и справочная служба (дополнительный номер)

8 (495) 122-02-21

Патронажная служба

8 (499) 638-30-45

Платные услуги

8 (919) 726-23-32

Мы в соц. сетях:


Вызов врача на дом и справочная служба


Скорая помощь



Emergency medical assistance

Emergency medical assistance in Moscow is provided free of charge. You should only call Emergency Medical Services:

  • in life-threatening situations or when urgent hospitalisation is required (serious trauma, injury, bleeding, childbirth, heart attack, stroke, serious infectious diseases);
  • when the situation is not life-threatening but there is a threat to your health (for example, exacerbation of a chronic disease, acute respiratory disease or manifested severe pain syndrome).

In all other cases, please go to a healthcare centre on your own.

If you need medical assistance, dial 112 toll free. The number is accessible both from landline and mobile phones.

  • For callers using a mobile phone: A call will go through even if your number has been blocked for nonpayment or there is no SIM card in it.
  • For callers using a landline phone: If you fail to reach the emergency service at 112, dial 9112.

Operators speak Russian and English. Stay calm and explain where you are and what kind of assistance you need. Don’t hang up until an operator gets all the details. You will also be asked your name and the phone number where you can be reached. After your call the operator will forward your information to the rapid response services depending on the type of emergency.

You can call an ambulance from:

  • a landline phone: 03 or 103;
  • a mobile phone: for all mobile operators – 103. In addition, MTS and Megafon, 030; Beeline, 003; Tele-2, 30.

When dialing 30, 103 or 30 please note that operators speak only Russian.

Non-emergency medical assistance

Service at city outpatient clinics is provided only to mandatory health insurance policy holders.

As a general rule, foreign nationals working in Russia are issued mandatory health insurance policies by their employer.

To receive medical assistance, go to the registration office of any outpatient clinic near you. Please have the following documents with you:

  • passport or any other ID;
  • your mandatory health insurance policy;
  • your pension insurance certificate (if any).

At the clinic, fill in an admission form. After this, you can make an appointment with the specialist you need.

Tourist call centre

You can get answers to any of your questions about Moscow by calling the city tourist call centre. The call centre provides information in Russian, English, German, French and Chinese.

You can call 8 (800) 302-31-12 or 8 (800) 350-51-12 using mobile phones from any Russian mobile service provider, as well as by using landline phones in Russia. The calls are free.

The phone number 8 (495) 587-71-12 can be accessed from abroad and with mobile phones from foreign operators by foreign tourists staying in Moscow and using international roaming. Charges depend on the roaming service.